Friday, April 8, 2011

Four Steps To Doubling Your Sales Success

The law of cause and effect states that, for every result, there is a matching effort that created it. There is no such thing as accidental success. Successful actions can be defined, implemented, and measured. Success is calculable.

Step #1: You must accept responsibility

Success or failure is not about economies, locations, managers, brands, or anything else you may allow as excuses. Wherever you are at in your level of success you must accept responsibility for it. One excuse can open the floodgates of failure.

Don’t wait for someone or something to change your destiny. The magic bus with the magic answer will never show up. Sales people and managers switch dealerships every day for what are often the wrong reasons. Often times, a sales person switches dealerships and continues experiencing the same problems, yet masked with different faces and locations.

There are only two choices you can make: One is a belief in a world based upon abundance and one is a world built upon scarcity. A world of abundance has no room or need for excuses and a belief of scarcity is based upon and requires excuses. It’s simply your free will and choice. None of your actions can create sustained success until this choice is made.

Step #2: You must determine the Why of success

When the why gets strong, the how gets easy. Traditional goal setting often can lead you to fail. The reason for failure is because traditional goal setting focuses on the actions. Without identifying while strongly feeling why you want something, you can only lead yourself into uninspired actions. Often these are subconscious actions destined to fail.

I invite you to write down one goal for yourself. Concentrate for several minutes a day for at least a week on why you want to achieve that goal, instead of how you are to achieve it.

Step #3: Determine the emotions you desire

Behind every goal is a desired emotion. For example, when a person buys a vehicle, they create an image in their minds eye as to how they picture themselves in the vehicle and how they think others will view them in their vehicle. Does your goal create the feeling of being happy, secure, important, or powerful? For all of us, perception creates our reality.

Step #4: Success comes from focus

Success comes from dominant thoughts that support your goal. You must focus on your desire. Write down your goal and ask yourself every hour if your dominating thoughts support the achievement of your desire. Often, when you do not succeed, it’s because you have consciously chosen a goal but your subconscious does not support (or even conflicts with) your goal.

The key to eliminating negative and non-supporting beliefs is to use the Law of Repetition. If you begin to repetitively think of, feel, and act upon thoughts and beliefs that support your goal, you can eliminate the negative and non-supporting beliefs you currently hold.

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